Kick-off meeting

In our first production meeting we decide on the type of video that best suits your company's needs. Right after that we come up with the outlines of a concept.                                                            


Once the concept and style are agreed upon, next step is to write the script. *


The approved script moves into the next phase: pre-visualization. This is called an Animatic by the film industry or a Leica in the animation industry. Essentially it’s a moving storyboard and the best way to plan out scenes, shots, timing and pacing of the animation.*


Following approval of the Leica, the production team begins these phases:
- Asset creation
- Shot/layout assembly
- Animation
- Lighting, rendering

Post production

After all the shots are rendered the image sequences are composited together with sound effects, music and voiceover.

Final video

The final video is delivered in both high resolution and compressed formats. *

* We require client sign offs after the SCRIPT, LEICA and FINAL phases. Each of these phases include two rounds of changes.

ANIMATÓ PRODUCTIONS. 2024. All rights reserved.